Hey all you mommas out there, Gleeful Peacock loves you! We have been hosting a giveaway on social media this week call all daughters to write what they love about their mom and tag her in the post. These have been some of the most heart-warming stories to read and we are so excited to award the momma and daughter duo each with $100 of GP awesomeness!
Seeing all of the inspiring letters has prompted us at the studio to write some notes to our loving mothers...
"My momma was the person that gave me my creative and industrious side. I have memories of her dragging me to craft fairs and teaching me to sew." - Nikki
"She has the most gentle heart and has cared for me no matter what. I hope to be half the person she is one day."

"My mom is amazing because she puts everyone above herself and cares about everyone equally."
"She taught me to always follow my dreams and to do my best at everything I do. She is selfless and inspires me everyday."
"My mom has always supported me marching to the beat of my own drum. She know when to push me to be my best and she knows when I need to be reminded that winning isn't everything. My mom taught me how to love absurdly."

"Yeah, mom was always out-of-the-box. I appreciate her unconventional thinking. Guess that's why I look at life differently. I am thankful."

"I suppose what I love most about my Momma is that she taught me right from wrong, but loved me either way. And the best thing Mom taught me was how to work hard."
"My mom supports us even at our lowest points. She is definitely my role model. She was able to create a future that was not guarunteed to us. She is very loving and I am very proud to have her as my mother."
"She is the best-my biggest fan. She was the first to make me laugh, make me proud of who I am, the first person to calibrate my creative compass an set me loose on the world. My love and admiration for her is immeasurable - she's simply amazing."
"My mom has always encouraged my individuality. She taught me how to be stong and independent. I also learned to follow my passion always. I'm so thankful for her unconditional love and support."

"Even though my mom drives me crazy 98% of the time, I still love her, and she is always ther for me."
For the love of Mother's Day, please, have breakfast in bed, be treated like you're Beyonce, and eat as much pizza as you're hard-working, mother loving heart desires.