Gleeful Peacock is ever changing and growing! Along with that, comes studio remodeling! In the short span of two and a half years, I have gone from working out of my home, to opening a retail location, to growing the wholesale line and moving into a production studio! Just a year ago, we were sure we had plenty of space in the production studio. Little did I know, we would soon be adding a second production area, a hallway, two offices, and employ about twenty people!
This was my very first work space in my house! I even used to doodle on every package sent out...

Flashback to my Brookside storefront, opened in October 2012.

A quote that accurately describes the fast growth of my small business is one that reads, "You don't have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step." -Martin Luther King, Jr. I strive to only focus on the next hurdle, this keeps things from getting too overwhelming while keeping a vague vision of where I want the goal to end up. It is important as an entrepreneur to surround yourself with people that get your vision. At times, they may politely disagree with you all the while staying just as excited as you are!
Here is a look at what we have been changing around the studio lately!...

Our awesome office manager, Traci, came in the office bright and early to help paint my new office! Her mom even helped too! Our honorary gleeful peacock members, Brandon and Fernando, adding a hallway to me and Traci's offices!

Kari got crafty over the weekend and made lots of cute paper flowers to decorate the office spaces!

Heather and Kassi adding glee to the front office spaces and Traci hanging Rosie in the hallway as a daily reminder! I took a quick selfie with my new tangerine walls!

What was once the shipping area is now bright office spaces for Heather, Kassi, Kayla and Crystal!

The NEW shipping area!! It is funcional, gleeful and all those shelves will soon be packed with new apparel!

The new production areas are shown above along with the making of the shipping area and Kassi's desk!

Emmy and Amber being adorable in their aprons while getting a cup of coffee in the new break room!
Thanks to YOU! Our loyal Gleeful Peacock lovers & supporters. All of this growth wouldn't happen without you. Stay tuned for a look at my office and more once it is finished.
xoxo Nikki